
Thank you for making a donation to the First Universalist Church of Auburn. You can make a one-time gift or a recurring one.  A recurring donation provides a steady stream of support. It is a great way to manage your giving without the worry of missing a payment– you set the frequency, select the payment method, and your gift continues to give over time.

Once you click on the “Donate” button, you’ll be asked to specify your donation category:

    • For my pledge
    • For an unrestricted gift
    • For church endowment
    • For a church event
    • For a specific reason
    • To honor a specific person or cause

You may add a note if you wish to explain why you are donating. We encourage you to tell us the reason for the donation if it’s not obvious!
Thank you for your support of our church and its mission.

Scan the QR code to donate via PayPal: 

Click on the Donate button to donate via PayPal or your debit/credit card:

You may also send a donation by check (made out to “First Universalist Church of Auburn”) to:

First Universalist Church of Auburn
169 Pleasant Street
Auburn, ME 04210