We Are a Welcoming Congregation

Since 2001, we have been an officially designated “Welcoming Congregation” of the Unitarian Universalist Association, extending an intentional and active welcome to members of the LGBTQ community and publicly advocating for equal rights.

All are worthy; all are welcome!

In keeping with the Principles of our Unitarian Universalist faith principles to affirm and promote:

  • the inherent worth and dignity of every person;
  • justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; and
  • acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth

It is the mission of the Welcoming Congregation Committee to:

  • affirm and promote the inclusion of lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) persons in all aspects of our church community;
  • facilitate forums for all ages to explore issues of diversity, discrimination and homophobia;
  • create an atmosphere of safety and affirmation;
  • incorporate the needs and experiences of LGBTQ persons in all programs, including Religious Exploration; and to add inclusive language to our literature;
  • initiate outreach to the greater community through: publicity; support for LGBTQ events; and celebration of same sex unions, families, and expressions of love.

Our Welcoming Congregation work is done under the umbrella of our Social Justice Committee. Please feel free to contact Toby Haber-Giasson, Jane Pentheny or Anne Kinney with questions, concerns or requests by calling the church office 207-783-0461.

Suggested Resources

OutRight L-A

Lewiston/Auburn OutRight is a monthly Drop-In group for LGBTQ persons and allies, ages 22 and under.

PFLAG Portland
Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays

A supportive first contact for those whose lives are connected with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or transsexual people.

Equality Maine

A group that works to secure full equality for LGBTQ people in Maine through political action, community organizing, education & collaboration.